Ugh how bored can one human be on a Saturday...EXTREMELY!!!
Im just hanging out with the puppers keeping them from chasing the cats. Another normal day...Wanna know whats missing? My darling fiance..He got asked to work today and since we are not going to turn down the extra cash he went into work. Muddy crap work at the electric company unloading muck. How awesome but Ive been promised that I wont have to cook tonight. SWEET! I love to cook just hate cleaning up the mess LOL. Being Saturday Im waiting for someone to pop in looking for him, I hate when people come to the house when he isnt home. Not because Im a hermit or anything Ive just decided that I really dont care for people when the hunni bear isnt home. I like being by myself....Speaking of which.
Why am I such a coward?? Seriously! Someone who is supposed to be friends with me and then turns around and offends me or hurts my feelings or worse yet makes me mad, what do I do...Turn the other cheek. Im running out of cheeks here people. I never say anything I just pretend that nothing happened even when Im still mad. Take yesterday for instance. I get a text from someone who is probably too dense to realize they were being an insulting ass. Do I tell them why I havent been texting them or why I dont want to see them no, I just make an excuse to not see them and stop talking to them. Seriously how hard is it to not say something rude and ignorant...well it must be hard because it happens. I guess what really pissed me off about the whole situation is that this person was someone I thought I could count on to be a venting source for myself and her. We could always talk to each other about everything...Now not so much and I really feel that they are being a hypocrite. Sorry but dont say one thing and turn around and do another. Thats one huge thing that both myself and fiance stick to. Granted there are sometimes I say Ill do the dishes or something and not because I didnt feel like it but say someone asked us for help or to be somewhere, do we flake on them NO. We always do what we say we are going to.
Maybe Im just over the whole high school persona of wanting to people please my way thru life to feel like I have friends or something. I just dont care anymore and maybe that makes me callous, or a hermit or anti social but so be it. I dont need to run around playing happy face with people that I dont like and that includes family. As Ive gotten older and 'wiser' in my life I just faced facts that not everyone is a good person and human can suck a lot sometimes. Really have you read the news lately. I read an article about some girl throwing puppies in a river in Bosnia. WTF are you kidding me???? What about the millions of animals surrendered or abandoned because their owners suck. Or the kids abused day after day with noone to stand up for them. Murder, bombings, gangs, drugs.....What is happening to this world? I am a huge animal rights advocate, they dont have voices and they need people to stand up for their rights as living breathing things. There are times when I find a cat on the farm that has been dropped off and I just want to find these people doing this and flip out on them and just ask them WHY? Why is it the cats fault that they were too lazy to have it spayed and it had kittens, or why didnt they get their male fixed and then dropped it off because it started spraying. I was broker than a joke and still got my male and female cats fixed, especially when our last cat was found starving huddled on the side of the barn. Come on people get with the program here!!!! Ok enough of that rant, I get to bleh because theres only so much one person can do. Im hoping that feelers I put out on the web can help one drop off kitten get a new home. Shes such a sweetie pie just needs some loving and a furever home.
Anyways its a crappy Saturday and Im hoping tomorrow we get the word on what up with my new car. Im so excited but trying not to think about it. I cant wait to play with the buttons and stuff Haha. Yeah Im lame never had a car with automatic anything let alone AC and I can get the clicky button unlocky doberwally thing to unlock the doors. The crappy thing, I have a tendancy to lose my car keys or lock them in my car but I cant just go get a spare made. Ive got to get a special computer chip key made directly from a dealer. EEK I better keep a good eye on my keys cuz I CANT LOSE THEM! Haha...
I dont know if Ill post anything tomorrow (not like anyone is reading this haha) but Ill be back on Monday! Everyone have a great weekend and I hope your Saturday is less lame than mine!!
Best Wishes
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